One way that a Gameworld becomes obsolete is when it serves purposes contrary to life. Permitting obsolete Gameworlds to exist exterminates life on Earth. Since no modern culture authority determines which Gameworlds are Obsolete, Archan Law includes the Office of Gameworlds (OOG). From this Office, a new Archan profession is emerging: Gameworld Demolishionist.
Facets of the work include:
- Gameworld Values Assessment.
- Gamewrold Memetics such as Context, Codex, and Rules of Engagement.
- Gameworld Purpose Assessment.
- Gameworld Transformation Potentials.
- Gameworld Power Structure Options, etc.
- Legalities applied to permissable Gameworld Memetics.
- Gameworld Demolition (either voluntary or involuntary)
Job Opportunities for Gameworld Demolitionist abound.
Please apply yourself. The future of the world may be hanging on your success at demolishing obsolete gameworlds. The question remains: What are optimal ways to dismantle the Memetic infrastructure that supports obsolete Gameworlds? How to remove the foundations upon which ecocidal power survives?
Gameworld Demolition Theory
To establish legitimacy for classifying Gameworlds as 'Obsolete' or 'Functional', a set of measurable characteritics needs to be officially established. Some of the characteristics of an 'Obsolete Gameworld' include:
- Uses Hierarchiacal Power Structure rather than Torus Technology.
- Uses Material Values rather than Nonmaterial Value.
- Creates I Win You Lose Games rather than Winning Happening Games.
- Permits Low Drama rather than delivering High Drama.
- Permits Untransformed Gremlin.
- Permit Psychopaths To Have Any Position Of Power.
- Monetizes Nature.
- Based On Scarcity Rather Than Creation.
- Involves Social Stratification.
- Makes use of 'employees'.
- Values the imaginary concept of 'profit'.
- Allows ownership of land, minerals, forests, water, or air.
- Causes any kind of pollution, or emits toxic byproducts.
- Uses competition rather than creative collaboration.
From the Archan perspective, a Gameworld is 'Obsolete' if it includes any one of the above characteristics.
As with any profession, it is necessary to prepare yourself for delivering the highly valuable public service of Demolishing an obsolete Gameworld.
The problem with not Demolishing an obsolete Gameworld is that by leaving it run, the Gameworld continues to operate on Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) serving obsolete values and purposes that tend to unconsciously and irresponsibly aim towards exterminating life on Earth.
A Gameworld does not function unless there are human beings (or Zombies...) who give their allegiance to the Gameworld. It is that allegiance that needs to be directly faced into.
There are two primary approaches for Demolishing a Gameworld.
- PRESSURE METHOD FOR DEMOLISHING A GAMEWORLD Make the Gameworld illegal and enforce the law.
- VACUUM METHOD FOR DEMOLISHING A GAMEWORLD Meet with the core Gameworld participants and bringing in more and more intense awareness and Clarity about why each person gives their allegiance to that Gameworld, for example, what their Brightworld and Shadowworld payoffs are. When participants have enough matrix they leave the Gameworld of their own volition and the Gameworld collapses. What if they gave a war and nobody came?
- Need to add context connecting landing distinctions / memetic speaking and pancaking a Gameworld to smithereens.
- The film Fight Club is a Map for Gameworld Demolition. It starts with Planet Starbucks / Ikea, ends with the literal demolition of major credit card buildings. But somewhere alongside the Demolition, Gameworld Building is also happening with Project Mayhem and Fight Club itself. How are these professions connected, Gameworld Building and Gameworld Demolition? What collaboration is needed between Demolishers and Builders? Are Demolishers already Builders, and vice versa? Can you be one without being the other?
- Add a section on Your Initiated / Transformed Gremlin and Gameworld Demolition.
- Not sure where this fits in, but... to the average eye, Gameworlds (especially big, deeply established Gameworlds) seem immutable, indestructible, permanent. There is value in getting to know the ease with which a seemingly immutable Gameworld can topple, and a new one takes its place. I am thinking of nationalism in modern Greece, the Bolsheviks and the sudden dismantling of autocratic Russia, the rapid emergence and decline of Nazi Germany... but there are other examples, too. Overnight, Washington Mutual collapsed in 2008. Maybe this ends up an experiment: Get to know at a level of being able to share with others a specific example of how easily and suddenly a Monolithic Gameworld can decline, by what means it declined, and what happened when there was or was not a new Gameworld for people to step into.
- Examples of history's great Gameworld Demolishers, e.g., MLK, Jr., Ghandi, Mandella ... others.
- Gameworlds are also prone to decimation by other viral, infectious Gameworlds. It is not the same as Demolition, but it has similarities and is maybe worth mentioning. I am thinking of the ease with which western culture took over Ladakh, or the way the elders in Malidoma Somé's village said, "Either you become initiated or you leave. If you stay, the culture into which you have been indoctrinated is such that it will take over our culture. We have no defense," or how Coca Cola exists loudly in even the poorest indigenous villages in México. What remains of these Gameworlds after infection are automatic, dead traditions.
- Question: Why is it necessary to demolish an already obsolete Gameworld? Why is obsolescence not enough for making a Gameworld irrelevant and impactless?
Gameworld Demolition Practices
The practice to develop the skill of landing distinctions (AKA Memetic Speaking).
Here are some offers for you to keep practicing landing distinction in 5 bodies:
- If you speak in 'I', it makes the content of your communcation about you instead of about your participants. Your participants come to your spaces so you can give them a clear 'x' on the map, not present them with your 'x' on the map. This is why when you land distinctions, your main support is to scan your participants and tell them where they are; using the distinction that you are wanting to land. There is no judgment in giving them their 'x' on the map, it is a neutral assessment of reality.
- Notice your own memes when you are speaking memetically. Judgements, Assumptions, Conclusions and Beliefs are memes, not very useful ones in terms of creating Extraordinary, but memes nonetheless. For example, when you started speaking about other people's relationship, you shift into a judgmental, or resentful tone, as if having an enmeshed relationship or childish reaction is bad. Does that make any sense to you that you might have the idea that not having a "perfect" relationship means that you are bad or you are a bad man, or ...? This would then be an EHP for you.
- Holding space for transformation is not about what you want or what you don't want. It is about providing new clarity / new thoughtware. You mention about 20 different core distinctions in less than 4 minutes without deepening any of them. In reality, every one of these distinctions are crucial to creating extraordinary relationship. And simply mentioning them creates no clarity and no transformation.
- The proposal is to choose 1 or 2 distinctions and diving into them: what does it mean to be centered? how does one give their center away to their partner? what are their benefits to giving your center away? (resentment, blame, victimhood, hatred, ...) what are the results in the relationship? what are the result in their life? (Make it painfully true. When a woman gives her center away to a man, she plays the little girl who wants to be admired by daddy.) How can you notice when you give your center away? What can you do then? And more... You could have a Rage Club only about Centering.
- Choose the distinction to deepen that is the most relevant for you. What are you practicing or noticing in your relationship? Then you deliver this distinction, you will have flesh and juice to bring to the research.
- If you speak in 'I', it makes the content of your communcation about you instead of about your participants. Your participants come to your spaces so you can give them a clear 'x' on the map, not present them with your 'x' on the map. This is why when you land distinctions, your main support is to scan your participants and tell them where they are; using the distinction that you are wanting to land. There is no judgment in giving them their 'x' on the map, it is a neutral assessment of reality.
Recommended Resources
Book: Daemon
by Daniel Suarez
NOTE: Read Daemon before Freedom.
Daemons: computer programs that silently run in the background, waiting for a specific event or time to execute. They power almost every service. They make our networked world possible. But they also make it vulnerable...
When the obituary of legendary computer game architect Matthew Sobol appears online, a previously dormant daemon activates, initiating a chain of events that begins to unravel our interconnected world. This daemon reads news headlines, recruits human
followers, and orders assassinations.Book: Freedom
by Daniel Suarez
The Daemon is in absolute control, using an expanded network of shadowy operatives to tear apart civilization and build it anew. Even as civil war breaks out in the American Midwest in a wave of nightmarish violence, former detective Pete Sebeck--the Daemon's most powerful, though reluctant, operative--must lead a small band of enlightened humans in a movement designed to protect the new world order.
But the private armies of global business are preparing to crush the Daemon once and for all. In a world of shattered loyalties, collapsing societies, and seemingly endless betrayal, the only thing worth fighting for may be nothing less than the freedom of all humankind.
Book: Diamond Age
by Neal Stephenson
...a young lady's illustrated primer.
Decades into our future, a stone's throw from the ancient city of Shanghai, a brilliant nanotechnologist named John Percival Hackworth has just broken the rigorous moral code of his tribe, the powerful neo-Victorians. He's made an illicit copy of a state-of-the-art interactive device called A Young Ladys Illustrated Primer Commissioned by an eccentric duke for his grandchild, stolen for Hackworth's own daughter, the Primer's purpose is to educate and raise a girl capable of thinking for herself. It performs its function superbly. Unfortunately for Hackworth, his smuggled copy has fallen into the wrong hands.
Young Nell and her brother Harv are thetes--members of the poor, tribeless class. Neglected by their mother, Harv looks after Nell. When he and his gang waylay a certain neo-Victorian--John Percival Hackworth--in the seamy streets of their neighborhood, Harv brings Nell something special: the Primer.
Following the discovery of his crime, Hackworth begins an odyssey of his own. Expelled from the neo-Victorian paradise, squeezed by agents of Protocol Enforcement on one side and a Mandarin underworld crime lord on the other, he searches for an elusive figure known as the Alchemist. His quest and Nell's will ultimately lead them to another seeker whose fate is bound up with the Primer--a woman who holds the key to a vast, subversive information network that is destined to decode and reprogram the future of humanity.
Book: Teaching As A Subversive Activity
by: Neil Postman & Charles Weingartner
...A no-holds-barred assault on outdated teaching methods--with dramatic and practical proposals on how education can be made relevant to today's world.
"It will take courage to read this book . . . but those who are asking honest questions--what's wrong with the worlds in which we live, how do we build communication bridges cross the Generation Gap, what do they want from us?--these people will squirm in the discovery that the answers are really within themselves."--Saturday Review
"Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner go beyond the now-familiar indictments of American education to propose basic ways of liberating both teachers and students from becoming personnel rather than people . . . the authors have created what may become a primer of 'the new education' Their book is intended for anyone, teacher or not, who is concerned with sanity and survival in a world of precipitously rapid change, and it's worth your reading."--Playboy
Book: The Peripheral
by William Gibson
NOTE: Read The Peripheral before Agency or the still unwritten third book of Gibson's Jackpot Series.
Flynne Fisher lives down a country road, in a rural America where jobs are scarce, unless you count illegal drug manufacture, which she's trying to avoid. Her brother Burton lives on money from the Veterans Administration, for neurological damage suffered in the Marines' elite Haptic Recon unit. Flynne earns what she can by assembling product at the local 3D printshop. She made more as a combat scout in an online game, playing for a rich man, but she's had to let the shooter games go.
Wilf Netherton lives in London, seventy-some years later, on the far side of decades of slow-motion apocalypse. Things are pretty good now, for the haves, and there aren't many have-nots left. Wilf, a high-powered publicist and celebrity-minder, fancies himself a romantic misfit, in a society where reaching into the past is just another hobby.
Burton's been moonlighting online, secretly working security in some game prototype, a virtual world that looks vaguely like London, but a lot weirder. He's got Flynne taking over shifts, promised her the game's not a shooter. Still, the crime she witnesses there is plenty bad.
Flynne and Wilf are about to meet one another. Her world will be altered utterly, irrevocably, and Wilf's, for all its decadence and power, will learn that some of these third-world types from the past can be badass.
(Now a series on Prime Video.)
Book: Agency
by William Gibson
NOTE: Read The Peripheral before Agency or the still unwritten third book of Gibson's Jackpot Series.
Verity Jane, gifted app whisperer, takes a job as the beta tester for a new product: a digital assistant, accessed through a pair of ordinary-looking glasses. "Eunice," the disarmingly human AI in the glasses, manifests a face, a fragmentary past, and a canny grasp of combat strategy. Realizing that her cryptic new employers don't yet know how powerful and valuable Eunice is, Verity instinctively decides that it's best they don't.
Meanwhile, a century ahead in London, in a different time line entirely, Wilf Netherton works amid plutocrats and plunderers, survivors of the slow and steady apocalypse known as the jackpot. His boss, the enigmatic Ainsley Lowbeer, can look into alternate pasts and nudge their ultimate directions. Verity and Eunice are her current project. Wilf can see what Verity and Eunice can't: their own version of the jackpot, just around the corner, and the roles they both may play in it.
Book: as yet untitled 3rd book
NOTE: Read The Peripheral before Agency or this still unwritten third book of Gibson's Jackpot Series.
Book: The Worthing Saga
by Orson Scott Card
It was a miracle of science that permitted human beings to live, if not forever, then for a long, long time. Some people, anyway. The rich, the powerful--they lived their lives at the rate of one year every ten. Somec created two societies: that of people who lived out their normal span and died, and those who slept away the decades, skipping over the intervening years and events. It allowed great plans to be put in motion. It allowed interstellar Empires to be built. It came near to destroying humanity. After a long, long time of decadence and stagnation, a few seed ships were sent out to save our species. They carried human embryos and supplies, and teaching robots, and one man. The Worthing Saga is the story of one of these men, Jason Worthing, and the world he found for the seed he carried, and of a second man, Abner Doon, who took that world apart.
Book: The Korporate Kannibal Kookbook
by Brad Blanton
The way the world of human beings is framed must be reframed for the sake of our survival. These ideas morph into a synthesis:
1. Campaign Finance Reform
2. Corporate Cannibal Cannibalism
3. Justice Based on Sustainability
4. Building a Truth Machine
5. A New Form of Deep Democracy
6. A World Commonwealth
7. A Worldwide Meritocracy.
First step: Capture, kill and eat Corporate Billionaires.
Book: The Empire Of Isher
(includes two titles: The Weapon Makers, and, The Weapon Shops of Isher)
by A. E. van Vogt
This book binds together two of van Vogt's better stories, "The Weapon Makers of Isher" and "The Weapons Shops of Isher," published in sequel-prequel order back in 1946 and 1951. These time-hopping, politically convoluted tales follow the struggle between the oppressive (but beautiful) Empress Innelda and the superadvanced libertarian Weapon Shops ("The right to buy weapons is the right to be free," reads the storefront sign). Much of the melodramatic plot revolves around the Shops' immortal, ultragenius founder Robert Hedrock, his conflict with the Empress, and their differing visions for the future of humanity, but don't fret too much. Van Vogt keeps your head comfortably a-swim in a steady stream of whiz-bang gadgetry, plot twists, and breakneck action.
Captain Hedrock, Earth's immortal man, is up against one force-the outlawed Weapon Makers-who could make that immortality end abruptly if they could but find him. In the world of the lsher Empire a titanic struggle is taking place. An interstellar drive has been perfected; and the Empress Isher, convinced that it will be ruinous to her government, and that emigration to the stars will strip the solar system of its inhabitants, is using all her power to suppress the invention. The Weapon Makers, a unique organization, outlawed, but maintaining its freedom by means of secret inventions, is striving with equal determination to force the stellar drive into the open.
Book: 1491
(2nd edition)
by Charles G. Mann
"A groundbreaking work of science, history, and archaeology that radically alters our understanding of the Americas before the arrival of Columbus in 1492."
- The New York Times Book Review
Contrary to what so many Americans learn in school, the pre-Columbian Indians were not sparsely settled in a pristine wilderness; rather, there were huge numbers of Indians who actively molded and influenced the land around them. The astonishing Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan had running water and immaculately clean streets, and was larger than any contemporary European city. Mexican cultures created corn in a specialized breeding process that it has been called man's first feat of genetic engineering. Indeed, Indians were not living lightly on the land but were landscaping and manipulating their world in ways that we are only now beginning to understand. Challenging and surprising, this a transformative new look at a rich and fascinating world we only thought we knew.
And... European religion and politics demolished these gameworlds. How did they do it?
Book: Leadership and Self-Deception
(3rd edition)
by The Arbinger Institute
This third edition of an international bestseller--over 2 million copies sold worldwide and translated into 33 languages--details how its powerful insights on motivation, conflict, and collaboration can benefit organizations as well as individuals.
Since its original publication in 2000, Leadership and Self-Deception has become an international word-of-mouth phenomenon. Rather than tapering off, it sells more copies every year. The book's central insight--that the key to leadership lies not in what we do but in who we are--has proven to have powerful implications not only for organizational leadership but in readers' personal lives as well.
Leadership and Self-Deception uses an entertaining story everyone can relate to about a man facing challenges at work and at home to expose the fascinating ways that we blind ourselves to our true motivations and unwittingly sabotage the effectiveness of our own efforts to achieve happiness and increase happiness. We trap ourselves in a 'Box' of endless self-justification. Most importantly, the book shows us the way out. Readers will discover what millions already have learned--how to consistently tap into and act on their innate sense of what's right, dramatically improving all of their relationships.
The Distinctions in this book can demolish patriarchal heirarchies.
Book: Atlas Shrugged
by Ayn Rand
Peopled by larger-than-life heroes and villains, charged with towering questions of good and evil, Atlas Shrugged is Ayn Rand's magnum opus: a philosophical revolution told in the form of an action thriller--nominated as one of America's best-loved novels by PBS's The Great American Read.
Who is John Galt? When he says that he will stop the motor of the world, is he a destroyer or a liberator? Why does he have to fight his battles not against his enemies but against those who need him most? Why does he fight his hardest battle against the woman he loves?
You will know the answer to these questions when you discover the reason behind the baffling events that play havoc with the lives of the amazing men and women in this book. You will discover why a productive genius becomes a worthless playboy...why a great steel industrialist is working for his own destruction...why a composer gives up his career on the night of his triumph...why a beautiful woman who runs a transcontinental railroad falls in love with the man she has sworn to kill.
Atlas Shrugged, a modern classic and Rand's most extensive statement of Objectivism--her groundbreaking philosophy--offers the reader the spectacle of human greatness, depicted with all the poetry and power of one of the twentieth century's leading artists.
Book: Grunch Of Giants
by R. Buckminster Fuller
'Grunch' = Gross Universal Cash Heist
With the appearance of Grunch of Giants, R. Buckminster Fuller completes his panoramic lifetime survey of all aspects of the responsibility of human beings for their own destiny. Grunch of Giants portrays the rising multinational corporations in the paradoxical role of functioning both as the epitome of capitalistic selfishness and as the inadvertent vehicle for the dissolution of national political boundaries, the last deterrent to a one-world economy. The result is more subversive of the property and profit values of the capitalist system than anything dreamed of since Karl Marx.
These Distinctions can dissolve modern Gameworlds.
Book: Underminers: a guide to subverting the machine, by Keith Farnish
To undermine something is to weaken its very foundation in order to bring about its eventual collapse.
Underminers is a radical guide to dismantling the industrial machine. The first section of the book deconstructs the Tools of Disconnection, the subtle and seemingly innocuous methods by which we are manipulated into artificial separation from other people and the natural world. These can take many forms, from tangible and intangible rewards for "good" consumer behavior to indoctrination through advertising, media, and compulsory schooling. Once these Tools of Disconnection have been identified, the challenge is to expose their true nature and to provide realistic alternatives to our culture of greed.
Outlining a wide array of unconventional responses, Underminers is a practical, rational, and very human response to the ecological and social catastrophes facing us. By turns shocking, entertaining, inspiring, and empowering, this manual for a subversive revolution shows how ordinary people can become tomorrow's catalysts for change, reconnected to one another, and co-creators of a viable future for humanity.
We are the Underminers, and this is our time.
Book: Radical Unschooling
"Mrs. Martin takes us behind the curtain to see in rich detail what alternative education really looks like when it bestows upon its subjects the freedom to choose. Every parent who feels compelled to give their kids into the care of total strangers should read this book." - John Taylor Gatto, Author: Dumbing Us Down, and, Weapons of Mass Instruction
Radical Unschooling is a progressive parenting philosophy, which includes children learning at home. It is different from homeschooling in that children are not forced to follow curriculum lessons and tests. Radical Unschooling philosophy focuses on trust of a child's innate ability to learn without coercion and invites children to explore their passions. The parent's role is to facilitate their interests and curiosity.Radical Unschooling - the book - focuses also on the evolutionary aspect of parenting and human consciousness. We are parenting and educating our children today to succeed in a joyful, productive life by following their passions, not someone else's agenda.The main presentations are - School is only one of many choices for our children in our technologically advanced world. - Forced learning isn't effective and causes more damage than formerly thought. - Respecting a child's choice and autonomy is an evolution of understanding and birth right of every human. - Learning and life are not separate. Learning is pleasurable if it is not forced on us. - Separating life into subjects isn't necessary or natural. - Humans learn from all that they do and experience in life, not just what our culture deems 'educational.' - The main focus of parenting today is obedience and meeting the needs of the parent. This has to change if we want our children to live in a peaceful world.Moreover, Radical Unschooling is just radical enough to herald a wake up call to our culture because of the truth the philosophy speaks.
Most Gameworlds duplicate school. If you are going to demolish a modern Gameworld, you will need to start by demolishing school.
Book: Ishmael
by Daniel Quinn
The narrator of this extraordinary tale is a man in search of truth. He answers an ad in a local newspaper from a teacher looking for serious pupils only to find himself alone in an abandonded office with a full-grown gorilla who is nibbling delicately on a slender branch. "you are the teacher?" he asks, incredulously. "I am the teacher, " the gorilla replies. Ishmael is a creature of immense wisdom and he has a story to tell.... As readers everywhere seek out books that offer answers to their burning questions about spirituality, the popularity of this remarkable novel continues to grow at an astounding pace.
"As suspenseful, inventive and socially urgent as any fiction or nonfiction book you are likely to read this or any other year." - The Austin Chronicle.
One way to clearly see the dire necessity of demolishing a Gameworld is to see it from the eyes, heart, and soul of a sentience other than the improperly named: homo sapiens.
Book: Resistance Against Empire
by Derrick Jensen
A scathing indictment of U. S. domestic and foreign policy, this collection of interviews gathers incendiary insights from 10 of today's most experienced and knowledgeable activists. Whether it's Ramsey Clark describing the long history of military invasion, Alfred McCoy detailing the relationship between CIA activities and the increase in the global heroin trade, Stephen Schwartz reporting the obscene costs of nuclear armaments, or Katherine Albrecht tracing the horrors of the modern surveillance state, this investigation of global governance is sure to inform, engage, and incite readers to demolish obsolete Gameworlds.
Book: Ecotopia
(40th anniversary edition)
by Ernest Callenbach
Twenty years have passed since Northern California, Oregon, and Washington seceded from the United States to create a new nation, Ecotopia. Rumors abound of barbaric war games, tree worship, revolutionary politics, sexual extravagance. Now, this mysterious country admits its first American visitor: investigative reporter Will Weston, whose dispatches alternate between shock and admiration. But Ecotopia gradually unravels everything Weston knows to be true about government and human nature itself, forcing him to choose between two competing views of civilization.
Since it was first published in 1975, Ecotopia has inspired readers throughout the world with its vision of an ecologically and socially sustainable future. This fortieth-anniversary edition includes Ernest Callenbach's final essay, "An Epistle to the Ecotopians," and a new foreword by Callenbach's close friend and publisher, Malcolm Margolin.
Book: Local Is Our Future
by Helena Norberg-Hodge
A primer on working towards a localized world. From disappearing livelihoods to financial instability, from climate chaos to epidemic depression, we face crises on a number of seemingly unrelated fronts. This well-referenced book traces the common roots of these problems in a globalized economy that is incompatible with life on a finite planet. But Local is Our Future does more than just describe the problem: it describes the policy shifts and grassroots steps - many of them already underway around the world - that can move us towards the local and, thereby, towards a better world.
When you carry a vision of what becomes possible after you demolish a Gameworld, you generate a field powerful enough to organize coincidences in your favor. This is a book of such Possibilities.
Book: T.A.Z. Temporary Autonomous Zone
by Hakin Bey
The underground cult bestseller! Essays that redefine the psychogeographical nooks of autonomy. Recipes for poetic terror, anarcho -black magic, post-situ psychotropic surgery, denunciations of spiritual addictions to vapid infotainment cults - this is the bastard classic, the watermark impressed upon our minds. Where conscience informs praxis, and action infects consciousness, T.A.Z. is beginning to worm its way into above-ground culture. This book offers inspired blasts of writing, from slogans to historical essays, on the need to insert revolutionary happiness into everyday life through poetic action, and celebrating the radical optimism present in outlaw cultures. It should appeal to alternative thinkers and punks everywhere, as it celebrates liberation, love and poetic living. The new edition contains the full text of Chaos: The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism, the complete communiques and flyers of the Association fo Ontological Anarchy, the long essay 'The Temporary Autonomous Zone, ' and a new preface by the author
Book: Finite And Infinite Games
by James P. Carse
"There are at least two kinds of games," states James P. Carse as he begins this extraordinary book. "One could be called finite; the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play."
Finite games are the familiar contests of everyday life; they are played in order to be won, which is when they end. But infinite games are more mysterious. Their object is not winning, but ensuring the continuation of play. The rules may change, the boundaries may change, even the participants may change--as long as the game is never allowed to come to an end.
What are infinite games? How do they affect the ways we play our finite games? What are we doing when we play--finitely or infinitely? And how can infinite games affect the ways in which we live our lives?
Carse explores these questions with stunning elegance, teasing out of his distinctions a universe of observation and insight, noting where and why and how we play, finitely and infinitely. He surveys our world--from the finite games of the playing field and playing board to the infinite games found in culture and religion--leaving all we think we know illuminated and transformed. Along the way, Carse finds new ways of understanding everything, from how an actress portrays a role to how we engage in sex, from the nature of evil to the nature of science. Finite games, he shows, may offer wealth and status, power and glory, but infinite games offer something far more subtle and far grander.
Carse has written a book rich in insight and aphorism. Already an international literary event, Finite and Infinite Games is certain to be argued about and celebrated for years to come. Reading it is the first step in learning to play the infinite game.
Gameworld Demolition is an Infinite Game!
Book: Dragon Dreaming Handbook
(2nd edition)
by John Croft
We live in interesting and challenging time. Massive climate changes are likely, the world’s population is growing rapidly, an economy built on debt, and not on savings, is producing austerity for billions of people, loss of biodiversity threatens the survival of millions of species – you’ve heard it all before. Given this reality we have two choices.
Firstly, we can wait until the consequences of these changes are upon us and try to cope as best we can during the crises. Or we can act now, building our resilience and adaptive capacity, preparing in advance and do the best we can to ensure a more positive outcome. Paul Hawken in »Blessed Unrest« speaks of a massive international movement of civil society, an intersection of the ecology, civil rights and participatory democracy
movements that spans the globe. This movement – unforeseen and leaderless – is literally the activation of the planetary immune system seeking to build a future that works for all. Dragon Dreaming is a part of this movement and aims to be of »Service to the Earth«, contributing to a positive human presence on the planet. We also live in a very individualized time, and while this has a lot of positive effects, it also drives us into isolation. However when facing the challenges mentioned above, we need to be supporting each other as much as we can.
When you are building the next Gameworld out of the Phoenix Process ashes, Dragon Dreaming is a facet of Torus Meeting Technology.
Book: Impro For Storytellers
by Keith Johnstone
Impro for Storytellers is the follow-up to Keith Johnstone's classic little book: Impro, perhaps the best-selling book ever published on improvisation. Impro for Storytellers aims to take jealous and self-obsessed beginners and teach them to play games with good nature and to fail gracefully.
Since a Gameworld is constructe (and demolished..) through Stories such as Purpose, Name, Rules Of Engagement, Codex, delivering your Nonmaterial Value, etc., and, since none of these new stories are already known (because you are inventing an entirely new culture - Archiarchy - a culture that never existed on Earth before...), your success as a Gameworld Builder (and a Gameworlf Demolisher!) will depend on your absurdly effective skill level for improvised storytelling, where you Speak From The Unknown in Possibilitator First Position.
Book: Plan B 4.0
by Lester R. Brown
As fossil fuel prices rise, oil insecurity deepens, and concerns about climate change cast a shadow over the future of coal, a new energy economy is emerging. Wind, solar, and geothermal energy are replacing oil, coal, and natural gas, at a pace and on a scale we could not have imagined even a year ago. For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, we have begun investing in energy sources that can last forever. Plan B 4.0 explores both the nature of this transition to a new energy economy and how it will affect our daily lives.
Knowing how a global Gameworld naturally falls apart along its fissures (long supply chains propped up by fiat currencies, hierarchies topped by psychopaths with their own secret agendas, etc.) is a Gameworld Demolisher's 'ace up the sleeve' when it comes to efficient energy use while destabilizing fake structures.
Book: The Cultural Creatives
by Paul H. Ray and Sheri Ruth Anderson
You are a Cultural Creative. Do you dislike all the emphasis in modern culture on success and 'making it', on getting and spending, on wealth and luxury goods?
Do you care deeply about the destruction of the environment and would pay higher taxes or prices to clean it up and to stop global warming?
Are you unhappy with both the left and the right in politics and want to find a new way that does not simply steer a middle course?
In this landmark book, sociologist Paul H. Ray and psychologist Sherry Ruth Anderson draw upon thirteen years of survey research studies on more than 100,000 Americans. They reveal who the Cultural Creatives are and the fascinating story of their emergence over the last generation, using vivid examples and engaging personal stories to describe their distinctive values and lifestyles. The Cultural Creatives offers a more hopeful future and prepares us all for a transition to a new, saner, and wiser culture.
As you demolish Gameworlds, it can help to know in your guts that by now you have over 350,000,000 colleagues around the world at your side. (Yes. Three hundred and fifty million.) Archiarchy already exists! Now we are moving into it and building the new Archan Gameworlds through which we can deliver our Nonmaterial Value.
Book: Blessed Unrest
by Paul Hawken
Paul Hawken has spent more than a decade researching organizations dedicated to restoring the environment and fostering social justice. From billion-dollar nonprofits to single-person dot.causes, these groups collectively comprise the largest movement on earth, a movement that has no name, leader, or location and that has gone largely ignored by politicians and the media.
Blessed Unrest explores the diversity of the movement, its brilliant ideas, innovative strategies, and centuries of hidden history. A culmination of Hawken's many years of leadership in the environmental and social justice fields, it will inspire all who despair of the world's fate, and its conclusions will surprise even those within the movement itself.
Book: The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
by Robert A. Heinlein
Widely acknowledged as one of Robert A. Heinlein's greatest works, The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress rose from the golden age of science fiction to become an undisputed classic--and a touchstone for the philosophy of personal responsibility and political freedom. A revolution on a lunar penal colony--aided by a self-aware supercomputer--provides the framework for a story of a diverse group of men and women grappling with the ever-changing definitions of humanity, technology, and free will--themes that resonate just as strongly today as they did when the novel was first published.
This book is where the design for 3Cells came from... the Archan structure for tiny Teams navigating the transformational Chaos of Gameworld Demolition.
Book: The Master Game
by Robert S. De Ropp
The book is a clear and concise set of formulae for achieving a higher state of consciousness and gradation of reason. De Ropp outlines the field of battle, and shows how an individual, armed with deep understanding, discipline and real necessity, can wage his or her own personal war against sleep. There has never been a better book written on this subject, and it deserves a permanent place in your personal library. It is a book that, once read, will never be forgotten.
The thoughtmap created in The Master Game by Robert S. De Ropp, serves as a lifeboat when the Rug is Pulled Out during Gameworld Demolition. What are you really doing by destroying what people stand on, even if it is a fake world? As the shadowy social power games dissolve, the evolutionary games are revealed. This is a useful handbook for a Gameworld Demolisher to have integrated because it can be easily used when you try to stand on or navigate the Void.
Film: Accepted
How to demolish the School gameworld.
Film: Fight Club
How to demolish the Zombie gameworld.
Film: Pleasantville
Film: V For Vendetta
How to demolish the Government gameworld.
Film: The Power Of Community
How to demolish the Fossil Fuels gameworld.
Website: Gameworld Consulting
Website: The Hierarchy
Website: Psychopath
Website: Torus Technology
Use a text section to describe your values, show more info, summarize a topic, or tell a story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum aliquam inermis consequuntur eu, cu zril tempor reformidans nam, ut pri democritum consectetuer.
Website: Frying Pan
Website: Poop On The Table
Website: Resistance Decision Making
Website: Purple Card
Website: Pull The Rug Out
Website: Become Subversive
Website: Slay The Jabberwock
Use a text section to describe your values, show more info, summarize a topic, or tell a story. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cum aliquam inermis consequuntur eu, cu zril tempor reformidans nam, ut pri democritum consectetuer.
Website: Radical Responsibility
Website: Purpose Sniffer
Website: Rules Of Chaos
Website: Archan Law
Website: Bounty Hunters
Gameworld Demolition Experiments
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NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code GAMEDEMO.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!